Monday, March 06, 2006


The Legacy Continues

Young adults need a Dorothy Kazel today as a model of a fulfilling life. The search for love and acceptance in a materialistic world eats at the heart of many young people. As with Dorothy, the communication skills of young adults are excellent and they do not hesitate at saying, or asking what,in days past, was unthinkable. Young folks only want the truth even if it breaks their hearts. They are kindred spirit of Dorothy.
Yet the young yearn to have the perfect and complete relationship that permits them to maintain their individuality as well as that of their partner. Once committed to another's love it is without reservation. However, they measure every action and statement against their expectations and when the two go out of sync, doubt creeps in and the relationship begins to unravel.

Dorothy knew when something was not right in a relationship and her selfhood was being violated. She however did not look for a way out as much as a way to respect what it was the other person needed. She set the other person free, and at the same time, claimed herselfness in a confused but never destroyed condition. Her sense of self was much more than how she related to others. That sense of self is what separated her from ordinary folks and why she is a model of how to live for young people.

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