Monday, November 28, 2005


Ursulines Remember

Our 25th anniversary theme is “No Hay Temor En El Amor,” which, translated, means, “love casts out fear.” It’s so appropriate because the love Dorothy had in her heart for the poor of El Salvador cast out her fear of staying with them during a bloody civil war—one in which many innocent people were killed, including Catholic religious who had been murdered for their advocacy of the poor.

She was a true martyr—she knew she was in a dangerous place and her life was at risk, but her call to follow Jesus and walk with the poor was stronger than any worries she may have had.

The anniversary of Sister Dorothy’s death is an opportunity to reflect on her life’s example of committing herself to God’s work. We have the utmost respect for who she was as a woman of faith in the Catholic Church.

All of us are challenged daily to be the best we can be. Dorothy’s spirit and this anniversary year have truly inspired us to ask ourselves, “What can we do better? In what other ways can we serve the poor? What more can we do to spread the Gospel and be examples of God’s love?”

Twenty-five years ago, we experienced shock, grieving and sadness at her death. Today, we celebrate her life and her selfless spirit. We recall her upbeat and daring personality, her sense of humor, her beautiful smile and her tremendous spirituality and compassion.

Listening to the cassette tapes Dorothy used to send from El Salvador, you knew how much she loved the people she was serving.

Dorothy’s spirit never left us. We called upon her and she inspired us as a congregation when we developed our corporate stances to actively oppose the death penalty and to advocate for the closing of the School of the Americas, where three of her killers were trained.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Twenty-fifth Anniversary

This site will be dedicated to stories about Dorothy Kazel, OSU.
Dorothy was killed in El Salvador in 1980. If you knew Dorothy or were affected by her life, please add a comment here that will help us to remember our very good friend.

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